PeriProf 101

Welcome to PeriProf 101, where you can easily find and navigate to the article topics that interest you.

Hero’s Journey (from bed back to life)

Perimenopause Edutainment (Education & Entertainment)

Welcome to Perimenopause

What is Perimenopause?

Hormones 101

The Stages of Perimenopause

100 Symptoms of Perimenopause

Index of Posts by Symptoms

Identity Crisis & How Perimenopause Affects Our Self-Worth

Vaginal/Bladder (GSM, Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause) -

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats (Vasomotor) - coming soon

Skipping Periods

Poor Sleep

Stomach Issues - coming soon

Migraines and Headaches - coming soon

Mood, Brain Fog, Anxiety and Depression (Brain and Nervous System) -

Muscle Aches, Twitching, Sensations (General Body)

Weight Gain, Abdominal Fat, Weight Loss (Body Composition) - coming soon

Libido, Orgasm and Feeling Touched Out (Sexual Health) - coming soon

Issues in Perimenopause

Workplace - Coming soon

The Middle Children of Menopause - Falling outside the “vanilla experience” of perimenopause - coming soon