PeriProf 101

Welcome to PeriProf 101, where you can easily find and navigate to the article topics that interest you.

Hero’s Journey (from bed back to life)

Welcome to Perimenopause

Perimenopause Edutainment

Here Me Out Perimenopause

Index of Posts by Symptoms

Pick your symptom:

Identity Crisis: How Perimenopause Affects Our Self-Worth & Emotional Wellbeing

Take Me To Your Leader: Feeling like an alien in my perimenopausal body

Vaginal/Bladder (GSM, Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause)

Payaya Dryness: Dealing with vaginal dryness and what to do about it.

Ear, Nose, and Throat

Let’s Talk About It: Voice changes in perimenopause

Ear Ringing and Tinnitus

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats (Vasomotor Symptoms)

Skipping Periods

Poor Sleep

Stomach Issues - coming soon

Migraines and Headaches

Special guest article written by me and Dianne Williams, my “menosavvy” friend.

Mood, Brain Fog, Anxiety, and Depression (Brain and Nervous System)

Brain Fog is Real Inn Perimenopause

Your Perimenopause Alter Ego: Anger in Perimenopause Overview (Part 1)

There is Beauty in the Beast: Managing Anger in Perimenopause (Part 2)

Happy Little Perimenopause: How The Wisdom of Bob Ross Can Help Through The Change

Vocab for Peri Brain Fog: When Saying “Thing” Gets Old

Muscle Aches, Twitching, Sensations (General Body)

Levator Ani, Are You Okay, Ani?: Pelvic floor butt muscle pain/spasm

Musculoskeletal Issues in Perimenopause

Weight Gain, Abdominal Fat, Weight Loss (Body Composition) - coming soon

Libido, Orgasm, and Feeling Touched Out (Sexual Health) - coming soon

Issues in Perimenopause

Workplace Issues - Coming soon. For now, here is the brand new The Menopause Society workplace guide for employers.

The Middle Children of Menopause - Falling outside the “vanilla experience” of perimenopause - coming soon

Disordered Eating Patterns Vulnerability in Perimenopause with Jane Pilger, Master-Certified Binge Eating Health Coach - Part 1 and Part 2 podcasts
