Perimenopause Education | Awareness | Support

Perimenopause & menopause health information that doesn’t bore you to tears!

  • Science packaged as entertainment

  • Relatable

  • Free

  • Created by human intelligence

The Periprofessional website and newsletter are written by a certified menopause educator and are filled with valuable, applicable health and wellness information. No boring lectures or complicated terms here! Everything is explained with integrity in a way that makes it real and entertaining. Take the time to learn with me, and stop letting perimenopause and menopause constantly surprise you!

My promise

The content on this site is written personally by me using science with sources included as needed. I’m constantly increasing my knowledge using reliable research and experts.

A strength of mine is translating complex health information into everyday language and providing examples of how it shows up in your life. My education and experiences provide a unique perspective, and thus, the information here is not regurgitated garbage or misinformation from the internet. It’s just me here; no one else is calling the shots, so you’ll get unbiased details.

The Periprofessional Promise - My mission is to share reliable information in a humorous, relatable way. I’ll share what I learn without using fear as a motivator.

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About Me

Meet Shelby, The Periprofessional

August 2024 - Actual hair color may vary :-)

In October 2019, at 49, I walked into my annual doctor’s appointment and said, “I’m not feeling like myself.” I had all sorts of weird symptoms, but I couldn’t pinpoint what they were related to or why they were happening. Saying “I’m not feeling like myself” was emotionally easier for me to say than what I really wanted to say, which was “I think I’m dying.”

My doctor wasn’t really able to help me that day except to rule out anything serious and never mentioned perimenopause at all (there’s a reason for this if you’ve had your own experience, which I’ll write an article about at some point). Health has always been a passion of mine; I even earned a few degrees in health administration.

As health-educated as I am, I never considered perimenopause as the cause. The universe would have you believe that the only two symptoms are skipping periods and hot flashes; I had neither one. Perimenopause is so confusing it has even caught female doctors off-guard in their own health.

My Purpose & Passion

By 2021, after years of being perimenopausal without realizing it, I started skipping periods and that’s when I began to figure out what was going on. I knew I had to find a better way of dealing with my body's changes. I had lost so much by this point. I was a shell of my former self with so many symptoms, I had quit my job because my body couldn’t keep up with the demands, and we were in a pandemic (we all know how that went).

So, I did what I love to do with health: I researched everything. It made me feel in control of my situation, and the knowledge helped calm me down. I started applying what I learned and started to see some big results. I’m in a much better place physically, emotionally, and psychologically as I continue on this transition (yeah, still in it!). This is why I share what I do here; if it helps me, I know it can help someone else. I would not wish what I went through on my worst enemy. No woman has to suffer through this transition like I originally did.

My Qualifications

  • I’m a certified menopause educator and work as a perimenopause coach for a global perimenopause company with 60,000+ members. Certified by a leading physician specializing in menopause care.

  • I’ve studied perimenopause and menopause since 2021, and I trained for 6 months to be a health coach for my job as a perimenopause coach.

  • I have a Master of Health Administration (MHA), which I describe as a business degree with many health and health-related classes. I obtained my MHA jointly from Clark University and the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School in Worcester, MA. I also have a Bachelor of Science in Health Administration.

  • I earned a Certificate of Management Studies (CMS) from Suffolk University in Boston, MA.

  • Over 30+ years of being a part of the healthcare industry in various functions, including corporate training which gave me the skills to educate adults on complex topics. I’ve been learning about and researching health information longer than this.

  • I’m a member of The Menopause Society (formerly the North American Menopause Society, NAMS). The Menopause Society is the premier resource for menopause research, continued education, certification of health providers, and the establishment of evidence-based guidelines. I attended their 2024 Annual Meeting in person.

  • I’m a member of the International Menopause Society (IMS), a professional association that advances evidence-based menopause research and shared knowledge.

  • I’m a member of the National Menopause Foundation. NMF is a not-for-profit organization that promotes education and advocacy on menopause issues. It’s also the founder of the NMF Women’s Midlife Health Policy Institute.

  • I’m perimenopausal and have been going through it for at least 7 years. Using all of my healthcare knowledge, I’ve connected the dots and figured out some things that no one else has thought about yet.

  • I regularly attend health lectures, webinars, and summits to stay current. I have access to American and international medical journals/literature, including research studies behind paywalls, and know how to interpret and discuss them. I’m a lifelong learner and subscribe to over 20 print publications, most of them health-related.

  • My passion and focus have always been on women’s health and women’s healthcare issues. However, I’ve studied a wide range of health topics such as general health/wellness, fitness, nutrition, anxiety, trauma, aging, sexuality, consumer health, the history and current state of the US health system, how the pharmaceutical industry innovates and produces new drugs, and the business of healthcare.

  • I’m the founder of the Women’s Health 365 Collective, which showcases women’s health writing and inspires women to learn about their health.

  • I’m a crusader against health misinformation, which is one of the reasons why this website and my newsletters are open-access. I’m upset that fear is often being used to commercialize perimenopause and menopause. We deserve better than this. Menopause hasn’t been over-medicalized; it’s been over-commercialized.

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My Life

Photo from June 2023. I was attending the American Medical Association’s 178th Presidential Inauguration of Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH. This photo is significant because I was just starting to get back out into the world after debilitating perimenopause symptoms and a pandemic.

I’ve been proudly married to my hubs for 24 years and have college-aged twins. I love reading and can mostly retain information (brain fog is real, y’all). I like to laugh and do silly things. My bags are always packed for my next trip. I workout regularly and eat right (I follow an 80/20 rule, if you’re curious). I “walk the talk” and am living proof you can thrive during this transition.

I love common sense and logic - I need things to make sense. I love learning and sharing information with people, it’s my life purpose. The beginning of perimenopause was a very rough start for me, but I now realize the power of this time to reclaim who I am. I’m a much more authentic person, both inside and out. Even though I’m still going through perimenopause, I’m overall much happier than I’ve ever been.

Two Truths and a Lie*

I love this game from my corporate training days. See if you can figure out which statement is a lie:

  • At 48, I climbed the dome at the City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri

  • 25 years ago, I accidentally talked my way into a CIA facility

  • In 2023, I was a background actor in a Christmas movie

*Keep reading for the answer below.

Join the PeriSquad for “Peripausies”

Be a part of a community of people who share your interests. Be a part of the collective energy to change the narrative around peri- and menopause. Consider subscribing, participate in the comments section, and let your friends know about this site!

Everyone is welcome here, regardless of whether you have ovaries or not, regardless of whether you identify as female or not. Although my health information is geared towards perimenopause, much of the information can be applied to general health/wellness and aging. The more we collectively know, the better we can all support ourselves and each other.

Disclaimer: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional medical advice. I am not a physician. Please see Disclaimer and Content Use Policy for more information.

Science is constantly changing. Content is accurate at the time of publication to the best of my abilities and will be updated as much as reasonably possible.

* The lie is that the game should have been called Three Truths. They are all true.

Thank you and good night!

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For more The Periprofessional fun, follow me on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook.

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"The Mrs. Maisel of menopause!" I'm a certified perimenopause educator who blends science and humor. Are you over 40 and haven't felt like yourself lately? Stick around and learn why the biology of perimenopause may be making you feel like crap.


"The Mrs. Maisel of menopause" & writer of The Periprofessional, a free publication for trustworthy perimenopause info that won't bore you to tears. Certified perimenopause educator who blends science and humor to help you feel validated.