I haven’t been able to scream or shout, or even sing for more than a minute, for years. I think my last bout with pneumonia damaged something (all the hacking) and I’m late peri now too. If I attempt it, I immediately start coughing. Some days even raising my voice is a problem. I’m about to have parathyroid surgery, I’m hoping it doesn’t go further.

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Shelly, thank you for sharing your experiences. You've dealt firsthand with the complications of not being able to use our voices in the way we want to. I didn't think much about my voice until I started having issues. It makes getting through the day that much harder sometimes. Our little larynx works so hard for us. I wish you the best for your surgery. If you're feeling up to it afterward, I'd love to hear how you are doing. We Shels have to stick together.

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I didn’t know about voice changes, interesting!

I’m just over here wondering if I’m going to ‘grow some balls’ 🤗

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If they are as fun to adjust in public as men make it seem, that could be something to look forward to.

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Absolutely! What fun…

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