First of all, your perimenopause Olympic sports list was hilarious!

Second, I'm right there with ya sister. I cry at all the Mama's reactions!

And Third, the perimenopause symptoms list is enough to make us all want to throw in the towel, but my hunch is, the more we track our cycles and learn to support what our bodies are needing, that maybe, just maybe we can shrink our own personal lists.

Thanks for another well written article!

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I love that "shrink our own personal lists." Yes! You get this stuff, and all of your information on the menstrual cycle will pay off for you and anyone else who takes the time to learn about it. Your Substack is a great place for all women to start. Check out Go With The Flow. Like, how cute is that title?!?

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I love the way you bring humor to a not very funny subject! As I was brushing my teeth this morning and noticing my gums felt sore I wondered if it might be related to my hormones and sure enough - it's on your list! I will talk to my dentist, but this is a new one for me.

Thanks for sharing this in such a clear, easy to follow way. I can identify with many of them, and not at all with many of them. Reading through the list I'm so thankful to only have the ones I have!

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I'm glad it helped! You skipped the worry and wonder part that, as women, we spend a lot of time doing and were able to jump right to "speak to the dentist." Now, when you speak to the dentist and they look at you as if they were a deer caught in headlights, you know in your heart what the most likely main root cause is. Hope your gums feel better soon!

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By the time I got to 100 I was laughing, what a ridiculous trick nature plays on us eh? We all deserve a medal just for getting to old age!

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I'll vote for that! Old age - the greatest achievement 😉. Just have to get over all of the hurdles first.

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